Hello fruit lovers!

I am Jean-Jacques, an active member of Abundance Wimbledon and Abundance Southfields, here in London, United Kingdom. We pick and share local surplus fruit.

Today 21st September is our annual Abundance Wimbledon Fruit Day, where I will run a jam-tasting stall. This year I will be introducing compote, a fresh and low-in-sugar alternative to jam easy to make at home.

Various products made from local fruit will be for sale, to raise funds for Abundance. I thought it would be a good idea to tell a bit more about mine, and to give the recipes so that people realise how simple they are.

So I have created this site for the occasion, which I hope will have a life after Wimbledon Fruit Day 2013. In the meantime have a good read, and maybe join your local fruit sharing initiative or try a recipe or two… There are lots of apples and pears at the moment.


Your dedicated writer, harvesting fruit in Wimbledon and Southfields in 2010. Click on the photo to access  the 2’30 video.